The SWA will be held in Saskatoon at the Sask Sport building on December 16th @ 11:00am. The Sask sport building is located at;

- Rooms 122/123 - 510 Cynthia St, Saskatoon, SK S7L 7K7 (306)975-0800

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The AGM is open to all members and is an opportunity to hear from the board of directors on the past years happenings and to get an update on the direction of the association. If you have questions or concerns this is the best time to voice them and we look forward to hearing from our memebrship.

IF ATTENDING - Parking is available at the building (in rear).  When you arrive, you will come through the back door (ring doorbell at rear door). 

ALSO - SWA members have requested that we host more athlete camps/training sessions, we will be hosting a SWA team training session to follow the AGM @ Synergy Strength. We will supply a workout for anyone interested in taking part or you can complete your own workout you wish as well. We will have a couple fun team oriented challenges to complete during the training session, but the main goal is to simply provide an opportunity to atheltes who do not regularly train together to do so. The training session will immediately follow the AGM (provide travel and warm-up time).

If you have questions please contact saskweightlifting@gmail.com

We look forward to hearing from you.