Phase 3 Reopen Saskatchewan

The information provided below, was taken from a memo sent to Sask Sport/Provincial Sport Governing Bodies from Richelle Bourgoin, from the Ministry of Trade and Export, within the Government of Saskatchewan.  The information supports the SWA's sanctioning of its members to resume training in gyms and fitness facilities, in accordance with the guidelines outlined in Phase 3 of Reopen Saskatchewan.   

Sports teams may resume fitness training (typically what we would refer to as strength and conditioning) immediately under the gym and fitness guidelines in Phase 3 of the Re-Open Saskatchewan Plan.

While we recognize the plan does not provide the clarity needed by stakeholders, we are also working on guidelines for indoor and outdoor team-based sport and recreation activities and we expect that to be made available in the coming week. A number of sport-based activities (such as gymnastics, martial arts, dance) have inquired about their ability to resume practice – BRT has provided the advice that with the modifications required such as eliminating contact, reducing gathering sizes, they can resume.


In the meantime, we would encourage your member organizations to bring their athletes together under the existing guidelines (which would prohibit scrimmage, contact, etc.) providing they maintain social distancing, observe limitations on public gatherings, etc.


In essence, your interpretation of training is aligned with the intent of the Re-Open Saskatchewan Plan and we will work with the Ministry of Health to ensure future updates reflect the clarity required, but I hope this provides you with confirmation to be able to support your stakeholders return to practice.

Thank you.

Dwayne Dreher

Executive Director