Dear Canadian Masters Weightlifters and Provincial Presidents
As we end another exciting year at the Canadian Masters Weightlifting Federation, we are now getting prepared to accept membership applications for the 2023 calendar year. As your President, I am very excited about 2023 with its abundance of international events, our Canadian Masters, the increasing inclusion of Para Weightlifters and the increasing opportunity of our members to compete at the provincial level as masters weightlifters.
Please take some time to explore various sections of our Website. It will quickly become apparent to you why we work so hard to keep Masters Weightlifting functioning so effectively in Canada and to keep our small, but vibrant community, the envy of masters weightlifters worldwide.
Since we function only on our membership fees, we are totally dependent on your support for the activities we perform on your behalf. This simple chart demonstrates approximately how we will be dispersing funds received from membership applications. You can clearly see why your membership fee, even if you are not planning on competing in 2023, will continue to help all of us in the Masters family.
The 2023 Membership application forms will become activated during the first week in December and will entitle you to our Federation’s benefits for the entire calendar year.
Join us now and be part of a provincially, nationally, and internationally growing masters weightlifting community.
Mark Gomes, President