SWA Newsletter: March 2023

Hi Everyone,

I hope everyone is looking forward to Provincials next weekend as much as I am. Between teams, the banquet, a non-TC venue, and additional awards, it has been quite a change from our standard competitions, and I'm excited to see it all roll out.

As you may know, Dwayne (Executive Director) officially left the SWA on March 8th. It has been a bit hectic since, and I want to apologize for anything that has been missed or fallen through the cracks. It is a busy time, and we appreciate everyone's support as we transition someone new into the role. We are actively working through a number of fantastic applications for the role, with interviews beginning this weekend. We are excited about those who have applied, and we look forward to confirming someone for the role within the next week. Keep your eyes out for an announcement!


  1. NCCP Competition Introduction Coaching Course: An NCCP Competition Introduction course is being held April 22-23 in Saskatoon. The deadline to register is April 14, 2023. This course may be paid for using Training Centre MAP funding.

  2. Provincials Registration: The Banquet is sold out! If you cannot attend, please feel free to "give" your ticket to someone else, as they are fully transferable and you only need to tell us the name of the person you are claiming a ticket for at the door. A start list will be released ASAP. I'm sorry for the delay.

  3. Updates to the IWF Technical Rules: Athletes can no longer weigh-in completely undressed. All athletes must wear undergarments. No weight allowance will be provided. In accordance with the CWFHC decision for Junior Nationals 2023, all athletes ages 18 and under must wear a singlet during weigh-ins (with a 0.3kg weight allowance). More information can be found here.

  4. WCH (Weightlifting Canada) Updates: Please see the attached memos for more information.

    1. New WCH Safe Sport Policy

    2. Junior Nationals has been moved to June 3-4, 2023

    3. IWF Grand Prix in Havana, Cuba, from June 8-18

    4. 2023 CWF Youth, Junior, & Senior Weightlifting Championships in Delhi, India from July 11-16

  5. 2023 Senior National Championships in Scarborough, Ontario: Typically, the SWA is able to nominate up to ~4 unqualified athletes under the age of 24 to attend Senior Nationals as an opportunity for upcoming athletes, particularly Youth and Junior athletes that are beginning to compete at the international level or are expected to soon, to gain experience at a higher-level competition. If you, or your athlete, are interested in being considered for this opportunity, please email Lucas (Pres@saskweightlifting.com) and/or Nick (nkorchinski@saskweightlifting.com) on or before March 31, 2023. Currently, these athletes will be entirely responsible for their travel and accommodation expenses, but the SWA will help provide coaching at the event. More information for those who have qualified and funding (reimbursement) details will be released ASAP. The SWA will not organise accommodations or travel for Senior Nationals.


  1.  Criminal Record Checks for Coaches and Volunteers (Letter): If you are due for an updated Criminal Record Check, or have not completed one, and are actively coaching, officiating, or volunteering with the SWA, please remember to complete yours and submit the letter to Dwayne (edir@saskweightlifting.com) as soon as you can. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Dwayne (edir@saskweightlifting.com).

  2. 2022-2023 SWA Rankings, Certificates, & SWA Records: These are up-to-date with local results. If there are any errors or omissions, please let me know.

  3. TC Volunteer Hours Submission Form

  4. 2023 Western Canadian Weightlifting Championships (Nov 2023 in Winnipeg): The 1st qualifying event for Team Saskatchewan will be Senior Provincials on March 25. The May competition, Nationals (Jr/Sr/Masters), international qualifiers (E.g. Ogopogo, NA Open), international competitions (IWF/Masters), and the final qualifier in October will all be eligible for team competition.

  5. Volunteers Needed: We plan to recruit more volunteers to help grow the SWA and expand our reach. Please let me know if you are interested in any of the below-mentioned roles. We need your help!

    1. Social Media (Commitment: Variable): We are looking for 1-2 people to help promote upcoming events, highlight training centres and athletes, and improve our presence on Instagram and Facebook. We are also interested in having someone take over the SWA social media during Provincials to promote the event and participants. 

    2. Choose-your-own-adventure: Do you have an idea for improving the SWA and the skills to execute it? Please get in contact and let us know! 

Schedule & Qualifying Standards Updates:

  1. Jr Provincials (May 6): Link will be live here at 5:00 am, Mar 17

    1. Host Location: Ignite Athletics in Saskatoon

    2. Registration opens for Junior & Youth Athletes: Mar 17

    3. Registration opens for Senior & Master Athletes: Mar 31

    4. Registration closes: Apr 15

  2. Jr Nationals has been moved to June 3-4, 2023: Please see the attached Competition Regulations.

  3. Reminder: All competitions (Other than the Winter Games) will be organized by entry total. Please remember to input a recent competition or training total with registration.

Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.

All the best, 

Lucas King, 2Lt. BKIN. MBA

President, Saskatchewan Weightlifting Association