Coaches Week Workshops - Coaches Week (September 17-22, 2022)

The Coaches Association of Saskatchewan is also offering many free workshops to say Thanks Coach! Participants will be reimbursed for the cost of the workshop upon attendance and completion of the course.

Sept 19: NCCP Planning a Practice

Sept 19: NCCP Make Ethical Decisions

Sept 20: NCCP Planning a Practice

Sept 22: NCCP Basic Mental Skills

  1. Enjoy FREE NCCP education

During National Coaches Week, coaches can diversify their coaching knowledge with FREE or discounted NCCP education from September 17-25, 2022: 

Other free eLearning modules available: 

SWA Newsletter - September 2022

Hi Everyone,

I hope you are doing well and looking forward to the first in-person-only competition we have held since February 2020 on October 1st! It will be my first competition since the pandemic, and I look forward to seeing many of you there. I will also be in Saskatoon from Sept 24-27 for the Ma Strength courses. If anyone is interested in meeting to discuss concerns, ideas, or suggestions for the SWA while I'm there, please let me know.

New Information:  

  1. Western Canadian Championships: The top 10 Men & 10 Women (Max 2 per weight class, unless more are needed to fill out the team) based on the results of competitions from May-Oct 2022 (Jr/Sr/Masters Nationals, Ogopogo, Commonwealth Games, NA Open, Oct SWA Comp) using Weight Class Sinclair rankings will be eligible to compete as a part of Team Sask. If you are interested, please submit an Expression of Interest Form before Oct 9th, 2022, at 11:59 pm (No late submissions). Current Westerns Team Rankings (Excluding NA Open & Oct SWA Comp) are here. Information regarding budgeting and options for travel can be found here. If you are interested in attending as a Coach (Comp Intro certified or higher) or Manager (Priority given to coaches in-training), please contact Dwayne Dreher ( for more information.

  2. Provincial Championships: Qualifying standards are at the bottom of this page. Athletes who achieve the Waitlist Total will only be eligible for Provincials if qualification numbers and registrations are lower than expected before the closure of the registration deadline. We are aiming for 50-65 athletes at this competition. If you are interested in volunteering to help with organizing Provincials, please let me know.

  3. Training Centre Volunteer Hours: Before the pandemic, with the introduction of the Training Centre program, we created a TC Volunteer Policy and minimum requirements to maintain TC status, and receive MAP (Grant) funding. In Oct, we will release more specific information and suggestions for how you may help your TC achieve their requirements, but the principles are that each TC will need to accumulate 3 volunteer hours per member, and the core Officials for each TC will need to officiate 4 sessions throughout the season for the TC to receive their full funding. If you are volunteering at the Oct 1 competition or assisting with the Winter Games Trials in Oct, please make note of your time volunteering and inform the head coach of your TC. A form for submission of hours by the TC will be included in the next newsletter, and the Official's participation will be tracked by the Official's committee.

  4. SWA Town Hall POSTPONED: Open format (Q&A) town hall postponed from Sept 20th to Oct 25th from 6:30-7:30 pm via Zoom. I'm hoping to meet with several of the TCs in Saskatoon over the next couple of weeks & I will be at the Oct 1 meet, so we decided to postpone until October. If you would like to meet, talk, or check in on what's going on before then, please let me know.

  5. Athlete of the Month: Alexis Ashworth earns Sask Sport August Athlete of the Month for Commonwealth Games Silver Medal Performance - Link

  6. PST on Memberships: This is NOT happening. With clarification from Sask Sport, we found an exclusion to allow us NOT to charge PST


  1. Masters Provincials Host (Feb 11, 2023): We are looking for a Training Centre to host this event. If you would like to be considered, please contact Dwayne (

  2. SWA Masters Committee: We are looking for active Masters athletes or coaches to participate in the committee. For more information, contact Jil Reid <> and/or Dwayne Dreher <>.

  3. 2022-2023 Platform Coaching Requirements: Starting Oct 1, 2022, all coaches must be Competition Introduction Certified to be eligible to coach their lifters on the platform at an SWA-sanctioned competition or be supervised directly by a qualified coach & be actively pursuing completion of certification. Coaches may be eligible for reimbursement of completed courses. Please consult for information regarding the courses required and reimbursement.

  4. SK Winter Games: If you are interested in being considered for either Coach or Manager in your region for the 2023 Saskatchewan Winter Games, please contact Ken Trofimuk ( and Dwayne Dreher ( for more information.

2022-2023 Schedule Updates:

  1. Jr Provincials moved to May (tentative) based upon Jr Nationals being tentatively scheduled for June 2023

  2. Provincial Championship Qualifying Standards added

  3. Town Hall postponed to Oct 25

As always, please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.

All the best, 

Lucas King, 2Lt. BKIN. MBA

President, Saskatchewan Weightlifting Association


2022 SWA Annual Scholarship Details


  • Link to the Application Form

  • Scholarship Value: $500

  • After the application period ends, the applications will be reviewed by a panel of 3 judges, including at least 1 person outside of the elected SWA Board and Staff.

    • If a judge is deemed to have a conflict of interest with any of the applicants they will be removed from the panel before the reviews begin.

  • Email Dwayne Dreher ( and/or Lucas King ( if you have any questions or concerns.


  1. June 1st to Sept 30th, 2022 at 11:59 pm (SK time): Application Period

  2. Oct to Nov 2022: Application Review Period

  3. Nov 2022: Confirm enrolment of the top candidate and inform applicants of results

  4. TBD: Award presentation and announcement

Application Criteria:

Applicants must meet the following criteria to be eligible: 

  1. Registered member of the SWA during the 2021-2022 and 2022-2023 seasons;

  2. Be enrolled full-time (60% course load) in a post-secondary institution during the Fall 2022 semester.

Selection Criteria:

Applications will be graded based upon the following criteria as described in their application: 

  1. Leadership in their school, community, and/or training center;

  2. Volunteerism in their school, community and/or training center;

  3. Exhibition of grit, dedication and a positive attitude while participating in athletics and school activities;

  4. Long-term commitment to and involvement in the SWA and weightlifting community.

Priority will be given to applicants who meet the following criteria:

  1. Have not previously received this award;

  2. 2022 Saskatchewan High School graduate;

  3. Pursuing their first certificate, diploma, or undergraduate degree;

  4. High School Average of 70% or greater or Post-Secondary Average of 60% or greater based upon the University of Saskatchewan Admissions Average Calculation and University of Saskatchewan Grading System respectively.

SWA required to charge PST on memberships

The Government of Saskatchewan, effective October 1, 2022, requires all Sport Organizations to charge PST (6%) on memberships for individuals seventeen (17) years and older. Individuals under seventeen (17) years are exempt.

Click on the link below for the PST Bulletin provided by the Government of Saskatchewan. I refer you to page 5 of the PST BULLETIN, near the middle of the page, for language pertaining to the charging of PST on memberships.

PST Bulletin

As such, if you have not already done so, plan to purchase your 2022/2023 SWA Memberships no later than September 30, 2022.


Canadian Masters Weightlifting Federation - Adaptive Athlete Resources

Good morning all,

I hope you've all been having a great summer so far.  It's hard to believe we are already into September!

I wanted to reach out and provide you with some adaptive athlete resources that the CMWFHC have put together. These resources are designed for coaches and administrators who support para weightlifting in Canada; however, useful information is included that will be relevant to anyone that interacts, supports, and engages with adaptive athletes. These resources are intended to help individuals and organizations become more inclusive and develop an understanding of the nuances of adaptive athletes. 

I have attached a copy of the resources to this email in both english and french. I've also provided the hyperlink to these documents on the CMWFHC website for ease of use. If you are able to post these on your respective provincial weightlifting websites, and/or distribute to the appropriate people, it would be most appreciated.

Adaptive Athlete Resources

Should you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out to me.

Warm regards,

Nalani Perry (she/her)

Director for the Advancement of Para Weightlifting

Canadian Masters Weightlifting Federation

Haltérophilie Canadienne Maîtres

MA Strength Training Courses - Provincial Sport Governing Bodies

Saskatchewan Weightlifting Association (SWA)



MA Strength Training  Courses


Provincial Sport Governing Bodies of Saskatchewan


Now, you too can learn the Chinese weightlifting technique for the snatch, clean, and jerk under the guidance of an expert coach!

For athletes, the goal of this seminar is to learn how to perform these lifts in a consistent way to maximize your training.

The principles and philosophies demonstrated will benefit athletes and coaches of all sports. Strength training is a major component of many sports, particularly at the high performance/elite level.

Course Info

SWA Newsletter - Summer 2022

Hello Everyone,

This email looks massive, but I've broken it down into a few sections to make it easier to read. Going forward, I will primarily link to the Events Schedule section of the SWA website instead of including everything, but there is lots of new information. This year, the Board has revamped our schedule through discussions with the Western Provinces, with one of the biggest changes being our focus on making the 2023 SWA Provincial Championships a top-tier event. My hope is that, over time, Provincials will become the highlight of the year for many of our athletes and provide something to look forward to in the same way that many train for Westerns and Jr/Sr/Masters Nationals. I (Lucas) will be leading the work on organizing this event and I am looking for a few others to help me make this a reality. A few highlights from my vision are below. If you are interested in helping, please let me know. Your role will be to help determine the details of the events and bring it to life in 2023.

2023 SWA Provincials High-level Vision:  

  1. Date: Saturday, March 25, 2023, in Saskatoon, SK

  2. Venue: TBD, but not at a gym/TC

  3. Participation: 50-70 athletes (Open competition with all ages competing together)

  4. Banquet: Evening of the event with each athlete & coach eligible for up to 2 tickets (Remainder open to membership)

  5. Awards at Banquet (Not finalized): Overall Male/Female, Top 3 Male & Female Teams (3 athletes & 1 coach per team determined before the competition & based on medal placement scoring), SWA Hall of Fame, Community Volunteer Award, Training Centre Award

  6. Qualification: Total required during the 2022-2023 season

    1. 40% International Marker (May be adjusted slightly before Oct 1 competition)

      1. Male: E.g. 137.5kg @ 81kg Male (167.147 Sinclair) - 26 above in 2021-22 

      2. Female: E.g. 87.5kg @ 64kg Female (113.596 Sinclair) - 56 above in 2021-22

New Information:  

  1. High-Performance Athlete Criteria Funding: See the linked document for more information on the upcoming policy that will be used to support SWA athletes competing at the National & International level.

  2. Western Canadian Championships: Based upon the SWA Survey results, Team Qualification will be based on the results of competitions from May-Oct 2022 (Jr & Sr Nationals, Ogopogo, NA Open, Commonwealth Games, Oct SWA Comp) using Weight Class Sinclair rankings. We do not know how large the teams for the event will be, so we have not finalized our funding documents yet. However, we will be trialling an option for participating athletes (A Team receiving more than B Team) & coaches/officials to use a reimbursement system for funding rather than directly funding & organizing all aspects of travel/accommodations. We will provide more information well in advance of the competition.

  3. 2022 SWA Board of Directors Election Details: Elections for SWA President & Member-at-Large (3-year terms) will occur leading into the 2022 SWA AGM on Dec 11, using the same process as the last 3 years. Please see the linked document for details & timelines.

  4. SWA Town Hall: We will be trialling an open format (Q&A) town hall on Sept 20th from 6:30-7:30 pm via Zoom. The meeting information will be sent to members & posted on the website in advance. My hope is that these will help me and the Board stay more connected with the membership and help us communicate more openly about what's coming.

  5. SWA Athlete Facebook Groups: We have created Junior/Youth (& Parents), Open (all-ages), & Masters Facebook groups for verified athletes to join. These may be used to help communicate information relating to specific events outside of the website/newsletter (e.g. Masters Nationals) or by athletes to connect with one another. 

  6. SWA Masters Committee: We are looking for active Masters athletes or coaches to participate in the committee. For more information, contact Jil Reid <> and/or Dwayne Dreher <>.

  7. SWA Clothing: We are planning to do a pre-order for SWA branded clothing (Shirts/Hoodies) this Fall. Keep an eye out for future details over the next few months!

  8. Masters Provincials Host (Feb 11, 2023): We are looking for a Training Centre to host this event. If you would like to be considered, please contact Dwayne (

  9. SK Winter Games: If you are interested in being considered for either Coach or Manager in your region for the 2023 Saskatchewan Winter Games, please contact Ken Trofimuk ( and Dwayne Dreher ( for more information.


  1. 2022 Commonwealth Games: Congratulations to Alexis Ashworth on an incredible performance that won her 2nd overall in the Women's 71kg class (Link to Leader-Post article)! To my knowledge, this is the 1st time an SWA athlete has ever won a medal at the Commonwealth Games. Jocelyne Moe (IWF Level 1) also represents Canada as a Technical Official at the event.

  2. 2022 Masters Nationals - July 9-10 (Results & Record Certificates): Congratulations to Charles, Raelene, Cassandra, Crista, and Frances for their outstanding lifting, all of whom earned medals, at Masters Nationals last month. Thank you to Chad Benko for his coaching expertise that helped the athletes succeed.

  3. 2021-2022 SWA Rankings & SWA Records: These are up-to-date. Certificates for the Commonwealth Games & Masters Nationals can be found here. If there are any errors or omissions, please let us know.

  4. Autism Program: The SWA partnership with Autism Services of Saskatoon has been a big success and was renewed for an expanded program during the 2022-23 season. If anyone is interested in building off of this program in other areas of the province, please let Dwayne know. There is funding available to help with programs of this nature.

  5. 2022-2023 Platform Coaching Requirements: Starting Oct 1, 2022, all coaches must be Competition Introduction Certified to be eligible to coach their lifters on the platform at an SWA sanctioned competition or be supervised directly by a qualified coach & be actively pursuing completion of certification. Coaches may be eligible for reimbursement of completed courses. Please consult for information regarding the courses required and reimbursement.

Important Dates:

  1. Aug: SWA Strategic Plan Review

  2. Sept 17: Tentative registration deadline for Oct 1 Westerns Qualifier

  3. Sept 20, 6:30-7:30 pm: SWA Town Hall via Zoom

  4. Sept 24-25: Ma Strength Level 1 - Chinese Weightlifting Technique - Registration fee $250; full-price $500 subsidized by the SWA (Limit 25) - Training Centres are encouraged to use MAP funding for this event

  5. Sept 26-27: Ma Strength Level 2 - Coaching & Programming - Registration fee $250; full-price $500 subsidized by the SWA (Limit 25) - Training Centres are encouraged to use MAP funding for this event

  6. Sept 30: Deadline for SWA Scholarship Application

  7. Nov 1: Deadline for membership renewal to be eligible for voting & candidacy in the SWA President & Member-at-Large Elections

  8. Dec 5: Deadline for Nominations for SWA President & Member-at-Large Board positions

  9. Dec 11: SWA AGM via Zoom & Election Results

2021-2022 Competition Schedule:

  1. Sept 15-18: 2022 North American Open Series 2 hosted by USAW and CWH - Interested SWA athletes are encouraged to participate with results eligible for Westerns Qualification. Participating athletes are eligible for a $150 reimbursement for entry fees and certified coaches will be eligible for up to $600 in expense reimbursement based on the criteria outlined in this document, maximum 1 coach per Training Centre.

2022-2023 Competition Schedule (Registration will open ~7 weeks & close ~3 weeks in advance, zero late registration accepted):

  1. Oct 1: SWA Meet (In-person ONLY, Subject to Doping Control, Medals for Jr & Sr) - Qualifier for Westerns & Nationals

    1. Registration opens: Aug 12

    2. Registration closes: Sept 10

    3. Presentation of Best Lifter Awards for the 2021-2022 season

  2. Oct 22: Saskatchewan Winter Games Trials (Virtual, 1 medal category for all) - Only for Winter Games athletes qualification

    1. Registration opens: Sept 2

    2. Registration closes: Oct 1

  3. Nov 19: Western Canadian Championships in Alberta (In-person only)

    1. Team Qualification based on Weight Class Sinclair: Competitions from May-Oct 2022 (Jr & Sr Nationals, Ogopogo, NA Open, Commonwealth Games, Oct SWA Comp)

  4. Dec 2-10: Masters Worlds in Orlando, Florida, USA

  5. Dec 3: Junior Provincials (Live Virtual, Medals for Jr & Sr) - Last qualifier for Junior Nationals 

    1. Registration opens: Oct 14

    2. Registration closes: Nov 12

  6. Jan 14-22: Last Chance Qualifier for Saskatchewan Winter Games

    1. Online video submission for unfilled positions only

  7. Mid-Late Jan: Canadian Junior National Championship

    1. Tentative & may impact the timing of the Dec meet if moved

  8. Feb 11: Masters Provincials (In-person ONLY, Subject to Doping Control, Medals for Jr, Sr, & Masters)

    1. If you are interested in hosting this event, please contact Dwayne (

    2. Registration opens: Dec 16

    3. Registration closes: Jan 21

  9. Feb 19-25: Saskatchewan Winter Games in Regina

    1. Weightlifting in the 2nd half of the week

  10. Mar 25: SWA Provincials (In-person ONLY, Subject to Doping Control, 1 medal category for all) 

    1. Requires qualifying total & includes a Banquet/Awards Night

    2. Registration opens: Jan 27

    3. Registration closes: Feb 26

  11. May 6: End of Season "Casual" Competition (Live Virtual, Medals for Jr & Sr)

    1. Registration opens: Mar 17

    2. Registration closes: Apr 15

Please do not hesitate to reach out if you have any questions, concerns, or feedback. 

All the best, and I hope you have a great summer,

Lucas King, 2Lt. BKIN. MBA

President, Saskatchewan Weightlifting Association

SWA Athlete Suspended for Anti-Doping Rule Violation

Hello SWA Members,

Recently the SWA was informed by the Canadian Weightlifting Federation and Canadian Centre for Ethics in Sport (CCES) that SWA athlete Zeyad El-Karsh was sanctioned for an out-of-competition anti-doping rule violation that occurred on April 9, 2022. Please see the CCES Press Release linked below for more information regarding this violation and sanction.

While the SWA does not directly enforce doping sanctions or testing, I want to take this opportunity to provide links to educational resources through the CCES website and reinforce our commitment to promoting clean and safe sport in Saskatchewan and Weightlifting more broadly. Doping has been a big problem for Weightlifting internationally and is one of the main reasons we have seen reductions in the number of medals at the Olympic Games and the risk of losing Olympic status for future events. Whether you are competing at a high level or not, I encourage you to familiarize yourself with the CCES Banned Substances and Methods list for in-competition and out-of-competition testing. It is not common to be tested at our local competitions, but all of our national qualifying meets are subject to doping control. You may also be subject to random out-of-competition testing as you rise to the National level. If you are taking a banned substance for therapeutic purposes, you may be eligible for a Therapeutic Use Exemption. The CCES also has many other free online educational resources for learning more about this topic.

Lastly, it is crucial for you to know that as a member of the SWA and a CCES sport like Weightlifting, you are not allowed to train with or be trained by individuals that are serving doping sanctions. For specific questions about what you can and cannot do, we recommend you contact CCES directly for more information. We can help guide you in the right direction, but we cannot give comprehensive answers in this area. With that said, please do not hesitate to reach out to Dwayne or myself, and we will do our best to help you or find someone who can.

Thank you,

Lucas King, 2Lt. BKIN. MBA

President, Saskatchewan Weightlifting Association

Media Release

Weightlifting Athlete Suspended for the Presence of SARM LGD-4033 and Tamoxifen

Ottawa – June 27, 2022 – The Canadian Centre for Ethics in Sport (CCES) announced today that Zeyad El-Karsh, a weightlifting athlete, received a three-year sanction for an anti-doping rule violation. The athlete’s urine sample, collected during out-of-competition doping control on April 9, 2022, revealed the presence of SARM LGD-4033 (a prohibited anabolic agent) and tamoxifen (a prohibited hormone and metabolic modulator).

Continue reading:


saskatchewan lifters

information/start times

















SWA Newsletter - June 2022

Hello Everyone,

I hope you are all doing well. As we close out the 2021-2022 season, I want to take a moment to thank you all for continuing to participate in and contribute to the growth of the sport of Weightlifting in Saskatchewan. At a time when many sports have struggled, we have had one of our best years ever as we brought on several new training centres, had many lifters (young and not-so-young) competing in their first competition, and had a record-breaking year for our elite athletes in more ways than one. Without your support, we could not have continued to thrive throughout the pandemic.

I look forward to seeing many of you back in-person this fall as we get back into a more "normal" season. I will be back on the platform in October, and I hope to see you there.


  1. 3rd Annual SWA Membership Survey: The survey is open and closes on July 4, 2022. Several important questions in this survey will impact how we approach the 2022-2023 season. Please fill out the survey if you are able. Your feedback is valuable and appreciated. If you have any questions or concerns, please let Dwayne and me know. 

  2. 2nd Annual SWA Scholarship: The application is open and closes on Sept 30, 2022. The criteria have been adjusted from 2021 to allow for a broader pool of applicants. If you have any questions or concerns, please let Dwayne and me know. 

  3. 2022 Senior Nationals - May 19-21 (Results): Congratulations to Bella Brown, McKay Brown, and Abra Thompson on their impressive showings at Sr Nationals! Bella swept gold in the W45 class and set new Jr & Sr Provincial and Canadian records! This is the first time the SWA has ever had a national record holder. Wow! Thank you to Chad Benko for his diligence and coaching leadership throughout the weekend. Congratulations as well to Ken Trofimuk, who successfully upgraded to become an International IWF Level 2 Official.

  4. 2022 Junior Nationals - June 4-5 (Results & Athlete Certificates): An incredible showing from our largest Junior Nationals team (12) that collectively brought home 16 medals, 12 Provincial Records, 12/12 athletes with totals, 6 Canadian Records, 3 National Champions, 2nd place Overall for Woman (Bella Brown) and many memories. Congratulations to all our athletes, and thank you for representing the SWA so well. We are proud to have such a strong team with a bright future in the sport. To recognize your achievements, we have put together certificates for each of you that can be found here. We look forward to seeing all of you back at Nationals in 2023! Thank you to Chad Benko, Jason Cain, and Hanna Jacobson for your leadership and coaching expertise that helped the athletes to succeed this weekend.

  5. 2021-2022 SWA Rankings & SWA Records: These are up-to-date. Certificates for the Everyone Welcome Meet & Junior Nationals can be found here. If there are any errors or omissions, please let us know.

  6. Canadian Weightlifting Gender Equity Technical Official Training Initiative: More information can be found here. Congratulations to Kathee Lee, who was selected for this initiative!

  7. 2022-2023 Platform Coaching Requirements: Starting Oct 1, 2022, all coaches must be Competition Introduction Certified to be eligible to coach their lifters on the platform at an SWA sanctioned competition or be supervised directly by a qualified coach & be actively pursuing completion of certification. Coaches may be eligible for reimbursement of completed courses. Please consult for information regarding the courses required and reimbursement.

Important Dates:

  1. July 4: SWA Membership Survey Closes

  2. July 23-24: Summer Board Planning Meeting 

  3. Aug: SWA Strategic Plan Review

  4. Sept 17: Tentative registration deadline for Oct 15 Westerns Qualifier

  5. Sept 24-25: Ma Strength Level 1 - Chinese Weightlifting Technique - Registration fee $250; full-price $500 subsidized by the SWA (Limit 25)

  6. Sept 26-27: Ma Strength Level 2 - Coaching & Programming - Registration fee $250; full-price $500 subsidized by the SWA (Limit 25)

  7. Sept 30: Deadline for SWA Scholarship Application

  8. Nov-Dec: SWA President & Member-at-Large Election Nominations & Voting

  9. Early Dec: SWA AGM & Election Results

2021-2022 Competition Schedule:

  1. June 8-12: Masters Pan-American Championships

  2. July 8-10: Canadian Masters Championship - The qualification deadline is June 30th. Registration is limited on a first-come-first-serve basis. The SWA is funding the travel expenses of a coach as selected by the SWA Masters Committee. Please contact Dwayne ( & Jil Reid ( for more information.

  3. July 28-Aug 8: 2022 Commonwealth Games - Congratulations to Alexis Ashworth, who will be competing as 1 of 8 Canadian women in the 71kg class (Link to Global News news pieceLeader-Post article) and Jocelyne Moe (IWF Level 1), who was selected to represent Canada as a Technical Official this Summer.

  4. Sept 15-18: 2022 North American Open Series 2 hosted by USAW and CWH - Interested SWA athletes are encouraged to participate with results eligible for Westerns & Nationals (Tentative) Qualification. If funding allows, we MAY help provide limited funding for coach(es), official(s), &/or other support. 

2022-2023 Competition Schedule (Registration will open ~6 weeks & close ~2 weeks in advance):

  1. Oct 15: SWA Meet (In-person ONLY, Subject to Doping Control) - Qualifier for Westerns & Nationals, Tentative registration opening in Aug & closing Sept 17th

  2. Oct 22: Saskatchewan Winter Games Trials - Only for Winter Games athletes qualification

  3. Nov 19: Western Canadian Championships in Alberta (In-person only) - Competitions for qualification TBD (See annual survey question)

  4. Dec 3 or 10: Junior Provincials (Hybrid/Online) - Last qualifier for Junior Nationals & Saskatchewan Winter Games

  5. Mid-Late Jan: 2023 Junior Nationals (Tentative & may impact the timing of the Dec meet if moved)

  6. Early Feb: Masters Provincials (Hybrid/Online)

  7. Late Feb: Saskatchewan Winter Games in Regina

  8. Mar 25: SWA Provincials (In-person ONLY, Subject to Doping Control) - May require qualification & include a Banquet/Awards Night (Based on membership feedback)

  9. Apr/May: End of Season "Casual" Competition (Hybrid/Online)

  10. May 20-21:  Canadian Senior National Championship

Please do not hesitate to reach out if you have any questions, concerns, or feedback. 

All the best, and I hope you have a great summer,

Lucas King, 2Lt. BKIN. MBA

President, Saskatchewan Weightlifting Association






Bella Brown; Annalise Brown; Gracie Huet; Makenna Smith; Lexie Wehage; Erica Jacobson; Kaida Cochrane; Isabella Thompson-Hill; Halyna Lux


Caleb Astle; Mathieu Cyr; Hutton Nickolayou

Team Staff: Head Coach - Chad Benko; Assistant Coaches: Hanna Jacobson, Jason Cain

Manager: Holly Cochrane

Junior National Start List

Saturday June 4th:

Session One: 55-61kg Men

                            Weigh In: 7:00am           Session Begins: 9:00am

·       Caleb Astle

Session Two: 45kg, 49kg, 55kgB Female

                            Weigh In: 9:00am           Session Begins: 11:00am

·       Bella Brown - 45 kg

·       Annalise Brown - 49 kg

·       Gracie Huet - 55 kg

Session Four: 55kgA Female

                            Weigh In: 1:00pm          Session Begins: 3:00pm

·       Makenna Smith

·       Lexie Wehage

·       Erica Jacobson

Session Five: 59kg Female

                           Weigh In: 3:00pm          Session Begins: 5:00pm

·       Kaida Cochrane


Sunday June 5th:

              Session Ten: 76kg, 81kg, 87kg, 87kg+ Female

                           Weigh In: 1:00pm          Session Begins: 3:00pm

·       Isabella Thompson-Hill - 87 kg

·       Halyna Lux - 87+ kg

Session Eleven: 96kg, 102kg, 109kg, 109kg+ Male

              Weigh In: 3:00pm          Session Begins: 5:00pm

·       Mathieu Cyr - 109 kg

·       Hutton Nickolayou - 109 kg

 The organizers have indicated the event will be streamed live on the Quebec Federation’s facebook page.


SWA 2022 EVERYONE WELCOME MEEt -May 28, 2022

Session Category Weigh In Start Time

1 Women 45/55/59/64/71 7:00 AM 9:00 AM

2 Men 55/67/73 9:00 AM 11:00 AM

3 SWA Adapted Weightlifters 1:00 PM

4 Women 76/81/87/87+ 12:30 PM 2:30 PM

5 Men 81/89/96/109/109+ 2:30 PM 4:30 PM


This link is for anyone interested in watching the live feed of the competition.

YOUTUBE - LIve Streaming Links

This link is for anyone interested in watching the live feed of the meet. The link is not set-up for a specific session but will run all day.

SWA/Sport Medicine Council of Saskatchewan Present: Developing Grit In Sport

SWA/Sport Medicine Council of Saskatchewan




Developing Grit in Sport


The SWA in conjunction with the Sport Medicine Council of Saskatchewan present the following mental training session entitled, “Developing Grit in Sport”.


When:            Tuesday, May 31

                        6– 8 pm


Where:           Online, through the SWA Zoom Account


Who:              SWA members, parents/guardians of SWA members


Cost:               No cost



                         Once registered, a password will be emailed out to the member


Further info: Dwayne Dreher





This mental training session will be focused on developing grit in sport. Grit is the combination of passion and perseverance over long terms, and has been shown to be a better predictor of long-term success over other traditional markers. Danielle will be leading participants through some exercises meant to grow more grit as an athlete, and will be discussing some tips on how to refocus your mind and persevere after experiencing setbacks in sport.



Danielle is a Ph.D. candidate in the College of Kinesiology at the University of Saskatchewan. She is originally from Edmonton, and completed her Masters at the University of Alberta. Her research is focused on the intersection of grit and self-compassion in high performance athletes, and is also interested in the processes of self-regulation, as well as perfectionism and mindfulness in sport. She is very passionate about encouraging athletes to build on their character strengths—rather than focusing on their weaknesses—in sport settings. Currently, she works as a sport performance consultant for a wide variety of team and individual sport teams, and works with athletes competing at the developmental level all the way up to sport varsity teams. 



Final Schedule


Session Category Weigh In Start Time

1 Women 45/49/55/59 700 AM 9:00 AM

2 Men M1-55/61/67/73/81/89/96/109/109+ 900 AM 11:00 AM

3 SWA Adapted Weightlifters 12:30 PM

4 Women 71/76/81/87/87+ 12:00 PM 200 PM


This link is for anyone interested in watching the live feed of the competition.

YOUTUBE - LIve Streaming Links

This link is for anyone interested in watching the live feed of the meet. The link is not set-up for a specific session but will run all day.