What to expect at your first competition

So, you are new to the sport of weightlifting? Welcome! Entering in your first competition can be intimidating especially when you’re competing alongside some well seasoned athletes. Rest assured that everyone was in your shoes at one point in time and have made it out the other side. This post will help you better understand what to expect in competition.

SWA - Junior Nationals Team Coaches and Technical Officials.


The SWA board has chosen the Junior National Team Coaches and Officials who will be travelling to Halifax this year. Coaches Chad Benko and Jocelyn Rylee along with officials Claire Hopkin, Joanne Gasper, and Jocelyn Moe will be making the trip to help out. The team will consist of 6 junior male and 6 junior female athletes, who will be chosen from the top ranked atheltes after the December 04th meet in Regina. 
Good luck in training and competing this year atheltes - we look forward to sending you all out to the east coast.



The SWA will be held in Saskatoon at the Sask Sport building on December 16th @ 11:00am. The Sask sport building is located at;

- Rooms 122/123 - 510 Cynthia St, Saskatoon, SK S7L 7K7 (306)975-0800

Screen Shot 2017-10-19 at 10.11.04 AM.png

The AGM is open to all members and is an opportunity to hear from the board of directors on the past years happenings and to get an update on the direction of the association. If you have questions or concerns this is the best time to voice them and we look forward to hearing from our memebrship.

IF ATTENDING - Parking is available at the building (in rear).  When you arrive, you will come through the back door (ring doorbell at rear door). 

ALSO - SWA members have requested that we host more athlete camps/training sessions, we will be hosting a SWA team training session to follow the AGM @ Synergy Strength. We will supply a workout for anyone interested in taking part or you can complete your own workout you wish as well. We will have a couple fun team oriented challenges to complete during the training session, but the main goal is to simply provide an opportunity to atheltes who do not regularly train together to do so. The training session will immediately follow the AGM (provide travel and warm-up time).

If you have questions please contact saskweightlifting@gmail.com

We look forward to hearing from you.


The Saskatchewan Weightlifting Association will be holding their Annual General Meeting on Saturday, December 3rd at 1:00pm in Saskatoon. Location will be at Synergy Strength.

The AGM Agenda will be as follows:

1 call to order
2 verification of membership
3 approval of agenda
4 minutes of last AGM
5 Presidents report
6 Staff reports - John and Chad
7 Finacial Statement - Jocelyne
8 approval of auditors for 2016-2017 year.
9 resulotions-  Transgender policy- Migration Policy - background check criminal record check policy
10 old bussiness
11 new business
12 election of board members
13 adjournment.

The proposed resolutions can be reviewed:

Transgender Policy

Migration Policy

Criminal Record Check Policy

2016-17 Competition Dates Announced

The Saskatchewan Weightlifting Association is proud to announce the following lifting competitions for the 2016/17 lifting season:

Oct 15 2016 Synergy Open Saskatoon - Synergy Crossfit - Subject to Doping Control
Nov 26 2016 Mustache open - crossfit Brio Saskatoon - Subject to Doping Control
Dec 17 Sask open Provincials  - Redgoat fitness - Moose Jaw
Jan 14 2017 Jr Nationals Brossard, Quebec  - Subject to Doping Control
Feb 4 2017  Titan Open - Crossfit Regina  - Subject to Doping Control
March 25 2017 Western Canadian Weightlifting Championships- Travelodge Saskatoon - hosted by SWA
April 15 2017 Pure Athletics open - Prince Albert- hosted by PA Olympic and Pure Athletics

May 20 & 21 - Canadian Senior Weightlifting Championships - La Prairie, Quebec

Western Canadian Championships results

Congratulations to all 17 Team Saskatchewan athletes who competed at the Western Canadian Championships in Calgary. Team Sask came home with 8 medals. Congratulations to:

Jenny Tran – Silver Medal - 53KG

Nikki Williams – Bronze Medal – 63KG

Abra Thompson – Bronze Medal – 69KG

Crystal Derry – Silver Medal – 75KG

Jeff Woo – Gold Medal – 62KG

Colton Anderson - Bronze Medal - 62KG

Jason Trinh – Silver Medal – 77KG

Calvin Paul – Bronze Medal – 77KG

David Samayoa – Gold Medal – 94KG


Full results can be found here

Junior Nationals - Team Sask

WA will be the proud host of the Junior National Weightlifting Championships! They will take place at the Double Tree Inn in Regina on January 16th. 17 athletes from across Saskatchewan will be competing!


Sask Team A will consist of:

Avery Allard - Regina

Colton Anderson - Prince Albert

Alexander Ansell - Saskatoon

Kayla Arthurs - Saskatoon

Bella Brown - Saskatoon

 McKay Brown - Saskatoon

Shayan Eftekhari - Saskaton

Hanna Jacobson - Prince Albert

James Kapacilla - Prince Albert

Calvin Paul - Regina

Sask Team B will consist of:

Kaylin Anderson - Prince Albert

Lucie Blackburn - Saskatoon

Valeria Gonzalez - Saskatoon

Jonah Litzenberger - Saskaton

Colton McEachern - Prince Albert

Shelby Shynkaruk - Saskatoon

Braden Tournier - Prince Albert

Congratulations and best of luck to all our Sask Athletes!

Coaching Clinic

The SWA will be holding a Coaching clinic in Saskatoon on Saturday, January 2nd. There must be a minimum of 12 participants enrolled in the class in order for it to run. Cost to attend the clinic is $175.00. You can pay by enrolling in the event registration page (and pay online), or by emailing John at saskweightlifting@gmail.com.

You must register by Tuesday, December 29th to ensure we have enough participants in the clinic.