SENIOR NATIONALS 2024: Expression of Interest for COACHES AND ATHLETES

SENIOR NATIONALS 2024: Expression of Interest for COACHES AND ATHLETES

Are you interested in attending Senior Nationals on May 17-18-19 in Halifax?

Do you have a qualifying Total?

Qualifying Totals for Nationals Click Here

Do you want to be part of the TEAM SASK?

Please fill out the following Expression of Interest form to let us know.

Expression of Interest for Western Canadian Junior Training Camp

Expression of Interest for Western Canadian Junior Training Camp

2024 Western Junior Training Camp

Date: May 4-5, 2024

Location: , Alberta Edmonton

Venue: Spectrum Performance

6740  99 Street NW

Top 10 Male & Female athletes based upon ranking Sinclair score will be selected for Team Saskatchewan. If any athlete declines, does not pay their fees, or does not respond prior to the deadline, the next ranked athlete will be offered a chance to attend.

****Last qualifying Competition is Senior Provincials March 23, 2024 on Prince Albert

If you are interested in this training camp and  aiming for a better ranking please note that in the form.

Invitations will go out first, to top 10 ranking  athletes and those looking to make the National Junior team.  Once they decline, we will invite the next athlete in the ranking line.

Fee for Athletes $150/pp this includes two day training, 2 breakfasts, 2 lunches, 1 dinner Sat and possibly a Friday night Meet and Greet event. TBD

Athletes are responsible for their own travel arrangements and accommodations at event in Edmonton.

Deadline for Expression of Interest: March 1 , 2024, at 11:59 pm, with no late submissions.

Athlete announcement  will be made March 25 and athlete will have 72 hours to respond yes/no they will attend.

Deadline for Athlete Fee Payment:  Apri1 10, 2024, at 11:59 pm, with no late submissions

For any questions, please reach out to Angela Cromarty at

Saskatchewan Senior Provincial Championship 2024

Saskatchewan Senior Provincial Championship 2024


MARCH 23, 2023

Location: Prince Albert, Saskatchewan

Host Training Center: h/M Fitness, Saskpro and PA Olympic

Venue: Alfred Jenkins Field House 2787 10th Ave W, Prince Albert SK 6V 6Z7

Subject to Doping Control


  • 1st, 2nd, & 3rd place total medals for Open Category

  • 1st, 2nd, & 3rd Male and Female Athletes Overall: Scoring by Sinclair

  • 2024 Training Centre of the Year: Based on community involvement & contribution to the SWA

Athlete Requirements:

  • 2023-2024 SWA Membership

  • Qualifying total (See our Website: EVENTS TAB- Qualifying Totals) achieved during the 2023-2024 SWA season at an event eligible for SWA Rankings (E.g. SWA, IWF, or WCH-sanctioned events)

Athletes: Max of 70 athlete

  • Registration Opens: Feb 9-Feb 23** QUALIFYING ATHLETES ONLY FOR THREE WEEKS

  • Registration Opens for all Athletes: March 1 (only if Spots Available)

  • Registration CLOSES: March 8


  • Late Registration (if needed to fill): March 9

  • Late Registration Close March 15 Cost will be $120


  • Registration opens: Feb 9

  • Registration closes: Mar 9


  • Athletes (70 available): $80/pp

  • Athletes Late Registration :$120/pp

  • Coaches: $10 Must register

Annual General Meeting Notice



Saskatchewan Weightlifting Association



TIME: 1:00 PM

WHERE: via Zoom

The Annual General Meeting of the membership has been called by the Saskatchewan Weightlifting Association for Sunday, December 10, 2023. This meeting will be held via Zoom at 1:00 pm.  Voting will be done through Zoom and be anonymous.

 REGISTER HERE FOR AGM:Click here to Register for AGM

Please check your emails the following AGM documents:

1.     Notice of Meeting

2.     Agenda for Meeting

3.     Audited Financial Statement 2022-2023

4.     AGM Minutes of previous years meeting: Dec 11, 2022

5.     SWA Operating Budget 2023-2024


Notice of Meeting and this information is being sent out 21 days prior to the meeting.

The quorum for the meeting is 10 voting members present of our association.  Voting members include the following who are over 18 years of age.


·       Stakeholders registered  with the Corporation

·       Registered team coaches, assistant coaches, trainers and managers

·       Registered officials

·       Parents and guardians of under 18 registered Stakeholders

Proxy votes will be available.


Register in advance for this meeting:

Click here to Register for AGM

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

Saskatchewan Weightlifting Association




Positions that are up for election are as follows:

President, Vice- President, Secretary/Treasurer, 2 positions for Member at Large (one 1 year term and one 3 year term)

Please click on the link for the document to be eligible to be on the ballot for elections



We are officially announcing our the name for Saskatchwan’s two day competition to be held on Oct 14- 15 , 2023 in Saskatoon.

Chalk ‘n Awe was submitted and the person would like to remain Anonymous.

The logo was produced by Charissa Polvi of Crossfit K2o in Esterhazy, an new member last year, and will be hopefully joining the list of Training Centres in the province.

Registration will be open on August 11 for all coaches, officials and athletes.

Stay tuned for more information to come soon.

SWA 2023-2024 Membership Form is OPEN

Hello there SWA Members and Interested Weightlifters in Saskatchewan

Please take note that the link for the 2023-2024 Weightlifting season is open as of

August 8th,2023.

This if for the upcoming fiscal season of October 1st, 2023 to Sept 30, 2024. All participants in any SWA sanctioned events for the 2023-24 season must be a registered member.

If you have any issues with purchasing your membership online in our STORE, please contact Angela at the SWA office for assistance:



2023 SWA Annual Scholarship Details


  • Link to the Application Form

  • Scholarship Value: $500

  • After the application period ends, the applications will be reviewed by a panel of 3 judges, including at least 1 person outside of the elected SWA Board and Staff.

    • If a judge is deemed to have a conflict of interest with any of the applicants they will be removed from the panel before the reviews begin.

  • Email Angela Cromarty ( and/or the President ( if you have any questions or concerns.


  1. June 1st to Sept 30th, 2023 at 11:59 pm (SK time): Application Period

  2. Oct to Nov 2023: Application Review Period

  3. Nov 2023: Confirm enrolment of the top candidate and inform applicants of results

  4. TBD: Award presentation and announcement

Application Criteria:

Applicants must meet the following criteria to be eligible: 

  1. Registered member of the SWA during the 2022-2023 and 2023-2024 seasons;

  2. Be enrolled full-time (60% course load) in a post-secondary institution during the Fall 2023 semester.

Selection Criteria:

Applications will be graded based upon the following criteria as described in their application: 

  1. Leadership in their school, community, and/or training center;

  2. Volunteerism in their school, community and/or training center;

  3. Exhibition of grit, dedication and a positive attitude while participating in athletics and school activities;

  4. Long-term commitment to and involvement in the SWA and weightlifting community.

Priority will be given to applicants who meet the following criteria:

  1. Have not previously received this award;

  2. 2023 Saskatchewan High School graduate;

  3. Pursuing their first certificate, diploma, or undergraduate degree;

  4. High School Average of 70% or greater or Post-Secondary Average of 60% or greater based upon the University of Saskatchewan Admissions Average Calculation and University of Saskatchewan Grading System respectively.

Application Process:

Applicants must complete the following to be considered for the scholarship:

  1. Write a 1-page Word document addressing points outlined in the selection criteria.

  2. Request a 1-page letter of recommendation from a weightlifting coach, mentor, or teacher to support the application and address the selection criteria.

Complete the Application Form, including the submission of the above documents, before Sept 30th, 2023 at 11:59 pm (SK time).

Team Sask Update: 2023 Pan American Masters Weightlifting Championships

Results from Pan Ams 2023

Craig Astle W40 WC 73 Snatch 98 Clean & Jerk 126 total 224 2nd place & Canadian Masters Snatch record

Ahmed Alterkait W40 WC 73 Snatch 85 Clean & Jerk 103 total 188 5th place

Jil Reid W40 WC 76 Snatch 60 Clean & Jerk 84, total 144 4th place

Cassandra Exner-Williams W40 WC 87= Snatch 61 Clean & Jerk 74, total 135 5th place

Jamie Schaan was unable to attend the competition.

This was a great meet for team Saskatchewan. Coach Mckay had an intense battle with Venezuela for 1st and 2nd place for Craig. Then another battle with USA for 3rd for Jil who missed out on 3rd place by 1 kilo. Both Ahmed and Cassandra did their first international meets. Ahmed got a competition PR total and Cassandra officiated her first international competition. She was also the only Canadian official.

Next up for Masters, Nationals in Midland Ontario July 14-16. Registration ends June 16th.

Reminder to join our SWA Masters page on FB for more info.

SWA Newsletter - April & Nationals

Hi Everyone,

There are a lot of exciting things happening right now in the SWA and we have a few exciting months ahead of us. We once again sold out the May 6 competition at Ignite. I'll unfortunately be away for a few weeks and unable to attend, but I look forward to hearing about it after and I'm sure it will be a fantastic event. Thank you again to Donovan and Ignite for hosting! 

While I am away from Apr 26-May 13 and May 20-28, I will have limited email access. Please direct any questions to Angela ( and she will be happy to assist. Angela is an amazing addition to the SWA and I look forward to more of you getting to know her over the coming years.

Congratulations to our athletes, coaches, officials, and managers selected to attend Junior and Senior Nationals this year! We are grateful for all of the interest in attending these events and excited to send such a strong team, in terms of athletes and staff, to these events. More information can be found below.

Congratulations to the following members selected to attend IWF events representing Team Canada:

  1. Bella Brown (49kg) - Junior Pan-Am Championships & Junior Commonwealth Championships

  2. Makenna Smith (59kg) - Youth Commonwealth Championships

  3. Alexis Ashworth (71kg) - IWF Grand Prix #1

  4. Chad Benko (Coach) - Junior Pan-Am Championships & Junior/Youth Commonwealth Championships


  1. High-Performance Coach & Official Funding: Please see this document for more information regarding funding opportunities for Coaches & Officials participating in international IWF events. Any and all feedback is appreciated, as we plan to re-evaluate this policy before the 2023-2024 season.

  2. 2023-2024 Tentative Competition Schedule: The Board hopes to finalize the schedule for the 2023-2024 season at our June 11th meeting. If you, or your Training Centre, are interested in hosting any of the competitions listed on the tentative schedule please reach out to Angela ( & Lucas ( by May 29, 2023. We are looking for TC's to host the competitions at their facilities in Nov, Dec, Jan, Feb, and May with ideally either the Dec or Feb meet hosting in Regina. The SWA will provide additional financial support to host the Oct (SK Open) and Mar (Sr Provincials) competitions at external locations. We are looking for a Training Centre to partner with to host Sr Provincials. 

  3. Sask Open & Invitational: As noted in the schedule, we are aiming to build upon the success of Provincials to create a larger 2-day event that is both accessible ("Open") and provides a separate Invitational component to showcase our top lifters, and hopefully some from out-of-province during separate sessions with exclusive awards for top lifters and the guaranteed ability to qualify for international events. More information will be provided soon. If you are interested in assisting with the organization of this event and being a part of the organizing committee, please contact Angela ( This committee will help shape the event and ensure our first 2-day event goes smoothly. Committee work will likely begin in June. We will also be running a naming & logo contest for this event. Keep an eye out for more details soon!

2023 Senior Canadian National Championships, May 19-21 in Scarborough, ON:

Qualified Athletes:

  1. Funding Details: $150 entry fee found here, must be completed by Apr 28, 2023. Reimbursement for up to $500 of travel expenses will be provided, as outlined here.

  2. Men's Team: McKay Brown (81), Brett Sathers (89), Jack Nash (89), Donovan Dale (102)

  3. Women's Team: Bella Brown (49), Anne-Marie Young (49), Alexis Ashworth (71), Laura Carruthers (76), Angela McDade (87), Etta Love (87+)


  1. Jason Cain - 306 Weightlifting Club

  2. Nick Korchinski - 306 Weightlifting Club

Team Lead:

  1. Angela Cromarty - SWA Executive Director


  1. Kathee Le-Korchinski - TO3

  2. Joanne Gasper - TO3

2023 Junior Canadian National Championships, June 3-4 in La Prairie, QC:


  1. Team Selections: Top 10 Male & 10 Female athletes based on weight class Sinclair from the 2022-2023 SWA Rankings, any unfilled slots will be allocated to the opposite category based upon rankings regardless of weight class. Athletes who are not selected, but have qualified, may attend the event, but will receive no financial support from the SWA for registration, travel, or accommodations. 

  2. Funding Details: Can be found here on page 4.

  3. Must submit an Expression of Interest by May 14, 2023 at 11:59 pm, with no late submissions. Final selection will be based exclusively on those that complete this form.

  4. Must pay $400 Athlete Fee by May 21, 2023 at 11:59 pm, with no late submissions. If any payments are not completed, the next athlete in the rankings will be offered a chance to attend. This will be distributed directly to eligible athletes, following the Expression of Interest deadline.


  1. Jason Cain - 306 Weightlifting Club

  2. Chad Benko - Synergy Strength

  3. Hanna Jacobson - H/M Fitness

Team Lead:

  1. Angela Cromarty - SWA Executive Director

Team Managers:

  1. Holly Cochrane - K2 Crosstraining

  2. Charissa Polvi


  1. Cassandra Exner-Williams - TO3

  2. Cathy Yuzek - TO3


  1. 2022-2023 SWA Rankings, Certificates, & SWA Records: These are up-to-date with local results. If there are any errors or omissions, please let me know.

  2. TC Volunteer Hours Submission Form

Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.

All the best, 

Lucas King, 2Lt. BKIN. MBA

President, Saskatchewan Weightlifting Association

SWA Newsletter - Nationals, Provincials, Executive Director

Hi Everyone,

Thank you all for a fantastic competition this weekend! I have looked forward to Senior Provincials since we originally started talking about it last year, and I hope you all enjoyed it as much as I did. We could not have done it without our community of athletes, officials, coaches, volunteers, and spectators that came together to make the event a success. I'm excited to see where we can go from here and to continue to improve over the coming months and years.

As part of that, I'm excited to announce that as of April 1st, Angela Cromarty ( will be joining the SWA as Executive Director. She brings a wealth of experience working with Sask Sport, other PSOs, adaptive programming, a passion for sport, and a myriad of other skills that will help the SWA move to new heights. The Board is excited to have Angela joining us, and we look forward to all of you meeting her soon.


  1. Senior National Championships, May 19-21 in Scarborough, ON: We are awaiting the final competition regulations. If you have qualified and plan to attend, please keep your eyes open for more information over the next couple of weeks. We will not be organizing travel for you, but you will be required to register through the SWA website and will receive funding to help offset travel expenses. If you are interested in attending as a Coach, please get in touch with Nick ( and me on or before April 9th. If you are interested in attending as an Official, please get in touch with Tanner ( and me on or before April 9th.

  2. Junior National Championships, June 3-4 in La Prairie, QC: The final qualifying opportunity will be the competition on May 6. If you have qualified and plan to attend, please complete this Expression of Interest by May 14th, 2023, at 11:59 pm. No late submissions will be accepted. Final details regarding team selection will be released before the May 6 competition, but travel will be organized for you if you are selected for the "A Team". All athletes achieving the qualifying totals will be eligible to go, but not all athletes will be guaranteed to receive funding support. If you are interested in attending as a Coach, please get in touch with Nick ( & me on or before April 9th. If you are interested in attending as an Official, please get in touch with Tanner ( & me on or before April 9th.

  3. The Physio Detective - The Female Athlete Course: See blog post for more information

Senior Provincials Awards: 

Men’s Sinclair:

  1. McKay Brown - 329

  2. Brett Sather - 315

  3. Jason Trinh - 311

Women’s Sinclair:

  1. Bella Brown - 233

  2. Anne-Marie Young - 222

  3. Kathee Le-Korchinski - 203

Men’s Team:

  1. Kilostalk Weightlifting - Jason Trinh, Philip Davis, Lucas King - Coach Jason Trinh - 28/25/23 - 76

  2. 306 Weightlifting Club - Thomas McCarthy, Hutton Nickolayou, Owen Whitrow - Coach Jason Cain - 25/28/21 - 74

Women’s Team: 

  1. Synergy Strength - Makenna Smith, Bella Brown, Isabella Barclay - Coach Chad Benko - 25/28/28 - 81

  2. Kilostalk Weightlifting Club - Mandy Molder, Dawn Ciona, Meranda Frerichs - Coach Jason Trinh - 25/23/28 - 76 - 173.113/194.516/202.743 - 570.372

  3. Synergy Strength - Cassandra Exner-Williams, Savanna Spendiff, Ricki Obed - Coach Chad Benko - 23/28/25 - 76 - 137.492/169.893/173.214 - 480.599

Training Centre of the Year: 

  1. Kilostalk Weightlifting Club


  1. NCCP Competition Introduction Coaching Course: An NCCP Competition Introduction course is being held April 22-23 in Saskatoon. The deadline to register is April 14, 2023. This course may be paid for using Training Centre MAP funding.

  2. 2022-2023 SWA Rankings, Certificates, & SWA Records: These are up-to-date with local results. If there are any errors or omissions, please let me know.

  3. TC Volunteer Hours Submission Form

  4. 2023 Western Canadian Weightlifting Championships (Nov 2023 in Winnipeg): Rankings based on Senior Provincials. Eligible competitions are Junior Provincials (May 6), Nationals (Jr/Sr/Masters), international qualifiers (E.g. Ogopogo, NA Open), international competitions (IWF/Masters), and the final qualifier in October.

Schedule & Qualifying Standards Updates:

  1. Jr Provincials (May 6): Registration is open for Junior & Youth Athletes

    1. Host Location: Ignite Athletics in Saskatoon, plus Training Centre's that opt-in outside of Saskatoon. 

      1. If you are interested in hosting your athletes locally as a TC outside of Saskatoon, please let me know.

    2. Registration opens for Senior & Master Athletes: Mar 31

    3. Registration closes: Apr 15

  2. Reminder: All competitions (Other than the Winter Games) will be organized by entry total. Please remember to input a recent competition or training total with registration.

Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.

All the best, 

Lucas King, 2Lt. BKIN. MBA

President, Saskatchewan Weightlifting Association